Wednesday, March 28, 2007


My friend text messaged me today that he was in Subway and overheard people talking about my column. He said that they were commenting on how "scandalous" it was. When I mentioned this to my friends at dinner, another one commented that she heard people talking about it in class.

My minor is Public Relations and one thing I always hear is "there's no such thing as bad publicity." Of course I get paranoid about what people might be saying about my writing, but I am trying to just keep telling myself that I should just be happy that people are reading it. I never want to write anything boring. I want to ellicit a reaction. Make people think and talk.

1 comment:

Devon said...


I know how you feel. I have a column too and a lot of what I write about has to do with drinking, frat parties, going to bars etc. I hear that people talk about how "every column is the same" and how the writer is probably an alcoholic. Even though some would take that as criticism and mean, the fact that they read enough columns to know that "they are all the same." I love your column though Leigh. KEEP IT UP!